
Jazz 98.5 FM WSAX-LP

Support Jazz 98.5 FM

We Need Your Support

Help Keep Jazz Radio Programming ON THE AIR

Help Support Your Jazz Radio Station

What Does Supporting Jazz 98.5 FM Mean?

We realize that we must earn your support and respect. Our pledge and commitment to you is to provide the finest

quality broadcast that exemplifies the truest representation of the the jazz music genre, as well as to provide

pertinent educational and other content that merits your consideration in supporting this station.

Supporting Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX-LP can be done in many ways. Listening to our broadcast regularly is one way to

show support. Other ways of supporting us can be anything from donating goods and services to our organization to underwriting with us, providing monetary donations, sponsoring individual programs or volunteering to provide time,

expertise and experience in the operations of the station.

As a non-commercial radio station, one of the ways Jazz 98.5 FM funds its programming and general operations is

through donations in support of the arts and underwriting support from individuals, local businesses, foundations and corporations.

Jazz and community related news, information and educational content are important to keeping the community

vibrant, diversified and informed. In the best of times and even in the worse, we reach out to individuals, corporations, foundations and others to ensure that we have an operating and support budget that will sustain our broadcast ability

and enhance the lives of the citizens of our city. Help us do so by volunteering, underwriting, donating and making the contribution of your choice to our station.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Central Ohio's best choice for news and information,

wrapped up and surrounded by the best jazz in town.

Support Jazz 98.5 FM Now

Download a copy of our fundraising brochure

Thank you